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Global Virtual Teams Training

We have a proven track record of developing the skills and knowledge that people need to help them operate effectively within a global virtual team. 

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Making Global Virtual Teams work

Global virtual team working is challenging – we can’t get away from that fact.  People are increasingly being asked to work across the barriers of culture, language and time zones in global virtual teams and it simply isn’t easy.

How can we ensure that virtual, multi-cultural teams are able to function as effectively as co-located mono-cultural teams?  Who sets the benchmarks around how the team dynamics should work?  Who decides what good leadership should look like when a team consists of seven different cultures?  What does good intra-team communication look like and how can we avoid things slipping down cracks?

These challenges can result in virtual teams becoming inefficient and dysfunctional which defeats the reason the team was formed in the first place. All too often international teams are brought together with little or no thought being put into how these teams will operate in practice. Virtual team leaders are sometimes unaware of what the typical difficulties are within global virtual teams and feel powerless to affect team dynamics in any meaningful way.

Global Business Culture has been working with global companies for over a decade on precisely these issues.  We have a proven track record of developing the skills and knowledge that people need to help them operate effectively within a global virtual team.  We run highly practical, interactive training interventions which are designed to help teams work effectively and efficiently.

Global Virtual Teams

We offer our clients a full range of global virtual team training programmes and developmental tools which include:

  • Working in global virtual teams
  • Leading global virtual teams
  • Developing global virtual team protocols
  • Making conference calls work
  • E-learning
  • Cultural compatibility
  • Country profiles for team members

If you are looking to develop global virtual team-working skills within your organisation in a way that will have an immediate, practical impact on your business performance please contact us for an initial discussion.

Improve intercultural competence

Learn from the World’s leading specialists of country-specific and cultural awareness training.

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Why use Global Business Culture?

Global Leadership Training, Commercial

Commercial Application

We truly understand the repercussions of the inability to fully understand the cultural expectations of clients in another country. It will make it much more difficult to service that client as effectively as possible, inevitably leading to a fall in sales, impacting profitability. We’re passionate about improving processes within the company to maximise return.

Global Leadership Training, Country Specialists

Country Specialists

We operate in multiple geographies and our full-time consultants are specialists in key countries and areas where you operate. With years of international experience, out team can help you not only with cultural issues but with any commercial challenges, too.

Global Leadership Training, Bespoke Approach

Bespoke Approach

Global Business Culture works with your company to create a truly bespoke approach to a training program. We want to understand exactly what your challenges are so we can deliver the right material for you, your team, and your clients.

Global Leadership Training, Digital Learning

Digital Learning

We have helped clients cascade learning at scale through our digital learning expertise. Global Business Culture can present you with ‘off-the-shelf’ digital learning solutions as well as customised elearning programs tailored to the specific needs of your organisation.


Training Sessions


Global Companies


Nationalities Trained


Years in the Business

Global Leadership Training Success

Many of our clients have been with us for more than 20 years and rely on us for both learning and development input and market entry expertise.

Client Story 1

Our client is in the entertainment technology industry headquartered in Boston, US. In June 2022, the company officially began working in a hybrid environment with some employees working 100% in the office, 100pc remote or in a hybrid office/remote mode. Global Business Culture designed a customized program which incorporated their ways of working. We changed the name of our course from “Leading Hybrid Teams” to “Leading Distributed Teams” because the word “distributed” is used internally. Due to the number of topics related to this course, they selected the topics related to their needs. Two topics were improving communication and hybrid meetings where participants were attending in the office and remotely. They also requested that the awareness and managing of proximity bias was also covered. We discussed the importance of providing more context and communicating with more remote team members.

Client Story 2

Our client is in the marketing technology industry headquartered in Arizona, USA. Apart from various other offices located within the USA, the client also has an office in Chennai, India. Global Business Culture designed a customized program which incorporated the company’s values and their impact across cultures. We asked the participants to identify key benefits and challenges faced by the leadership team members through small group table discussions. Case studies were developed to illustrate various cultural misunderstandings and workstyle differences. Before the training session, the leaders used the assessment, the ICBI™ (Individual Cultural Blueprint Indicator) to learn about their similarities and differences working with others on their teams. The trainers used the team comparison reports of the ICBI™ to customize the training. The main areas of training were based on cultural dimensions of hierarchy, identity, and communication challenges.

Client Story 3

Our client is in the insurance sector headquartered in New Jersey, US. They are a global organization with offices in Asia, Europe, Mexico, and the Middle East. Before returning to the office in a hybrid mode, this client wanted to prepare both their leaders and team members in the US and global locations. We planned to conduct several sessions that were focused on the leaders “Leading Hybrid Teams” and “Working in Hybrid Teams” for the team members. During these sessions, we provided best practices to improve hybrid communications, meetings, and proximity bias. We conducted three sessions for leaders and three sessions for team members. We started with Asia since they were planning to move back into the office before the US.

The importance of Global Leadership Training

At Global Business Culture we strongly believe that improving levels of cultural fluency within the employee base can help boost efficiencies at any organisation which works cross-border.

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The Importance of Global Leadership Training

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Should you email or call?

Intra-team communication within virtual teams who are working across the barriers of culture, language, geography and technology is bound to present certain challenges which are less problematic amongst co-located teams.

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Global Virtual Team Challenges

We have been delivering global virtual team training programmes for major global organisations for more than fifteen years and are therefore very aware of the various global virtual team challenges that are faced by people on a daily basis.

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Global Virtual Team Training

As founder of Global Business Culture, I have been running Global Virtual Team training courses for more than 15 years for major corporations around the world.